Soul Machines Studio
AI Assistants
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AI Assistant
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480 Minutes
AI Assistant Live Deployment
1 AI Assistant
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AI Assistant Creation
Soul Machines Studio Access
AI Assistant Templates
Behavior Configuration
Voice & Language Configuration
Avatar Design Tool
Conversational AI Integration
per year
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Interactive Conversations
4,200 Minutes
AI Assistant Live Deployment
3 AI Assistants
100 Video Downloads
Full Screen or Custom Embedded
Reporting Dashboard
AI Assistant Creation
Soul Machines Studio Access
AI Assistant Templates
Behavior Configuration
Voice & Language Configuration
Avatar Design Tool
Conversational AI Integration
Custom LLM Integration
per year
For scaling
Interactive Conversations
120,000 Minutes
AI Assistant Live Deployment
6 AI Assistants
Unlimited Video Downloads
Full Screen or Custom Embedded
Reporting Dashboard
AI Assistant Creation
Soul Machines Studio Access
AI Assistant Templates
Behavior Configuration
Voice & Language Configuration
Avatar Design Tool
Conversational AI Intergration
Custom LLM Integration
For experimentation
Interactive Conversations
40 Minutes
AI Assistant Live Deployment
1 AI Assistant
20 Video Downloads
Full Screen
Reporting Dashboard
AI Assistant Creation
Soul Machines Studio Access
AI Assistant Templates
Behavior Configuration
Voice & Language Configuration
Avatar Design Tool
Conversational AI Integration
per month
For validation
Interactive Conversations
350 Minutes
AI Assistant Live Deployment
3 AI Assistants
100 Video Downloads
Full Screen or Custom Embedded
Reporting Dashboard
AI Assistant Creation
Soul Machines Studio Access
AI Assistant Templates
Behavior Configuration
Voice & Language Configuration
Avatar Design Tool
Conversational AI Integration
Custom LLM Integration
per month
For scaling
Interactive Conversations
10,000 Minutes
AI Assistant Live Deployment
6 AI Assistants
Unlimited Video Downloads
Full Screen or Custom Embedded
Reporting Dashboard
AI Assistant Creation
Soul Machines Studio Access
AI Assistant Templates
Behavior Configuration
Voice & Language Configuration
Avatar Design Tool
Conversational AI Intergration
Custom LLM Integration
Support made simple
Easily find the answers you need with our comprehensive help resources.
Information that can help you configure and customize your AI Assistant inside Soul Machines Studio.
Explore the Soul Machines SDKs and APIs to enable you to build more advanced experiences or integrations.
Most asked
How do I get started quickly and easily?
Learn the basics, from customizing project templates, how the interface works, how to configure the core settings to create something unique, to fine-tuning the AI or integrating your own conversation platform.
How do I connect my NLP platform using an Orchestration Server?
This guide provides information on how to connect to a Natural Language Processing (NLP) platform via an Orchestration Server.
How do I connect my Assistant to my custom UI using API Keys?
The easiest and most secure way to connect your Digital Assistant to your custom UI is using the web API keys method.
What is the Generative Conversation Skill and how does it work?
With the Generative Conversation Skill, you can use ChatGPT to easily create a persona for your Digital Assistant by providing custom prompting, knowledge snippets, and more, which are then used to create engaging generative conversations.
Can I use gesture markup to customize my Assistant's behaviour?
Your Digital Person’s behavior can be adjusted using hashtag gesture markup inserted directly into a corpus. This is a fantastic way to add further fine-tuning to your Digital Person should you require it at some points in your conversation
How do I embed my Assistant in my website?
You can host a Digital Person as a widget on your website by embedding a code snippet into your website’s HTML code. This does not require custom development and is the fastest way to integrate a Digital Person into your company’s existing online assets.
Can I display content cards in my conversation?
The default user interface through Studio provides the opportunity to make conversations multi-modal through supplemental content and displays known as ‘Content Blocks’.
How do I connect my own content?
Soul Machines Digital People can be connected to various conversational content providers, including GPT from OpenAI or your own fine-tuned LLM using our Skills API.
Quick help
Speaking to our AI Assistants
You can speak with any of our AI Assistants for free by visiting our homepage and selecting from the range of AI Assistants available there. We have a wide range to choose from. Click on the (i) button shown on each AI Assistant to get started!
Building your AI Assistant
You can learn how to get started building an AI Assistant and connecting them to your own conversational content in our article Getting Started With Soul Machines Studio. Additionally, our Knowledge Base and Developer Documentation are great resources for you to begin with!
You can integrate services through a conversation platform with an existing out-of-the-box Integration (e.g. Google DialogFlow, OpenAI ChatGPT, Microsoft Co-Pilot etc). Alternatively, you can integrate custom conversation systems and functionality by building a custom Skill.
If you’re using the Generative Conversation Skill then you’ll need to instruct GPT using the Additional Prompting field. Information about your company / product can be added as Knowledge Snippets. Refer to the Generative Conversation Skill documentation for more guidance.
The easiest way to show images / youtube videos / external links is to use the Content Card Skill and include the url to the content directly in your response. We have additional guidance on prompt engineering for displaying content cards in the Generative Conversation Skill.
Plans & Pricing
You can manage your subscription by navigating to Account & Team inside Soul Machines Studio.
Head to the Account & Team page to upgrade your subscription.
After your 14-day FREE trial, you will be charged monthly and receive a receipt via Stripe.
After your 14-day trial period, you will be charged your monthly subscription price. Want to cancel? You can do so via your account at any time. If you don't want to put down your card information, subscribe to the FREE package and start experimenting today.
Unfortunately, unused minutes don't roll over to the next month. We appreciate your understanding.
Describe your issue by filling out the support ticket form. Our expert customer support team will be in touch.
Reimagine engagement with Soul Machines Studio
Easily customize, train, and deploy a fully autonomous, AI-driven, interactive AI Assistant for real-world impact.

This is the future of
customer connection
Completely customizable
Soul Machines Studio tools let you tailor the look, tone, and even personality of your AI Assistant.
Infinitely interactive
AI Assistants don’t follow a script. They are completely autonomous and interactive, enabling unique, relevant, 1:1 customer interactions.
Authentically emotive
Powered by Biological AI, AI Assistants react with deeply human emotion and empathy, building authentic connections.
LLM agnostic
AI Assistants can be trained on a proprietary LLM, or integrated with any of the leading LLM Models, like GPT, for meaningful interactions.