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Soul Machines Data Retention Policy

Updated: 19th June 2018

Soul Machines Employees, Customer employees, Customer end users

1. Anonymous facial analytic data (emotions, facial expressions & movement)

2. Pseudonymous speech transcripts

3. Session interaction metrics (User computer system information)

1. Utilisation & performance metrics (times user, conversation counts length etc)
2. Raw anonymous emotion data used to drive utilisation analytics
3. Raw data used to drive machine learning based emotion, gesture detection and emotional reaction model improvements

Engineering and data analytics team

Raw data is not retained beyond a 12 month period

Soul Machines Employees, Customer employees, Customer end users

Video & audio recordings of user interaction with a Persona

Raw data used to drive machine learning based emotion, gesture detection and emotional reaction model improvements

Engineering & R&D

Raw data is not retained beyond a 12 month period

Employees, Potential Employees, Contractors

Name, address, email, phone numbers, home address, next of kin emergency contact, need-to-know medical information, personal tax numbers, personal tax codes, employment contracts

Pay roll administration, contact for emergency out of hour queries, contact for medical emergencies, education around any need-to-know medical emergency, in order to pay tax correctly for the employee or contractor, and employment record keeping

Human Resources, all staff have list of each others phone numbers and email addresses

Data is retained over the lifetime of the employment period and for a legal retention period beyond

Persona human models

Contact details, high resolution imaging of the models face and body

Face and body imagery used in the creation of digital textures and Persona graphical components

Internal Production & R&D teams

Data retained for the life of the commercial and research use of the Persona

Supplier / Vendor contact information

Supplier / Vendor employee contract details (name, email, phone, mobile, messaging user-id’s)

Contact information for communication & administration

Engineering, Accounts, Business

Data retained for the life of the relationship

Legal Services Supplier

Name, work address, work email, Phone number

Customer and Client Communication and Administration

Licensing, Accounts, Engineering

Data retained for the life of the commercial relationship

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